1.        Organization.  The Mt. Zion Water Supply Corporation is a member-owned, non-profit corporation incorporated pursuant to the Water Supply/Sewer Services Corporation Act, Article 1434a, Tex. Rev. Civ. Stat (West 1980, Vernon Supp, 1996 as amended) and as supplemented by the Texas Non-Profit Corporation Act, Tex. Rev. Civ. Stat. Ann., Article 1396-1.01, et seq. (West 1980, Vernon Supp. 1996 as amended) for the purpose of furnishing potable water utility service.  Corporation operating policies, rates, and regulations are adopted by the Board of Directors elected by the Members of the Corporation.


2.        Non-Discrimination Policy.  Membership in the Corporation and service is provided to all Applicants who comply with the provisions of this Tariff regardless of race, creed, color, national origin, sex, disability, or marital status.


3.        Policy and Rule Application.  These policies, rules, and regulations apply to the water services provided by the Mt. Zion Water Supply Corporation, also referred to as Corporation or Mt. Zion .  Failure on the part of the Member, Consumer, or Applicant to observe these policies, rules and regulations gives the Corporation the authority to deny or discontinue service according to the terms of this Tariff as amended from time to time by the Board of Directors of the Corporation.


4.        Corporation Bylaws.  The Corporation Members have adopted bylaws (see Article 1396-2.09) which establish the make-up of the Board of Directors and other important regulations of the Corporation.  The bylaws are on file at the Corporation’s office.


5.        Fire Protection Responsibility.  The Corporation does not provide nor imply that fire protection is available on any of the distribution system.  All hydrants or flush valves are for the operation and maintenance of the system and may be used for refill only by authorized fire departments.  The Corporation reserves the right to remove any hydrant, due to improper use or detriment to the system as determined by the Corporation, at any time without notice, refund, or compensation to the contributors unless such hydrants are installed pursuant to the terms of a Non-Standard Service Contract as provided for in Section F, in which event the terms and conditions of the Contract shall apply.


6.        Damage Liability.    The Mt. Zion   is not liable for damages caused by service interruptions, events beyond its control, and for normal system failures.  The limit of liability of the Mt. Zion   is the extent of the cost of service provided.  By acceptance of Membership, Member consents to waiver of such liability.


7.        Information Disclosure.  The records of the Corporation shall be kept in the Corporation office.  All information collected, assembled, or maintained by or for the Corporation shall be disclosed to the public in accordance with the Texas Open Records Act.  An individual customer may request in writing that their name, address, telephone number, or social security number be kept confidential.  Such confidentiality does not prohibit the utility from disclosing this information to an official or employee of the state or a political subdivision of the state acting in an official capacity or an employee of the Corporation acting in connection with the employee’s duties.  Further, such confidentiality does not prohibit the Corporation from disclosing the name and address of each member on a list to be made available to the Corporation’s voting members, or their agents or attorneys, in connection with a meeting of the Corporation’s members.  The Corporation shall give its applicants and customers notice of rights to confidentiality under this policy and all prevailing associated fees for such request.


8.        Customer Notice Provision.  The Corporation shall give written notice of monthly rate changes by mail or hand delivery to all consumers at least 30 days prior to the effective date of the new rate.  The notice shall contain the old rates, new rates, effective date of the new rate, date of Board authorization, and the name and phone number of the Corporation’s contact person designated to address inquiries about the rate change.


9.        Grievance Procedures.  Any Member of the Corporation or individual demonstrating an interest under the policies of this Tariff in becoming a Member of the Corporation shall have an opportunity to voice concerns or grievances to the Corporation by the following means and procedures.

a.        By presentation of concerns to the Corporation’s authorized staff member.  If not resolved to the satisfaction of the aggrieved party then,

b.       By presenting a letter to the Board of Directors stating the individual’s grievance or concern and the desired result.

c.        The Board of Directors shall respond to the complaint by communicating the Board’s decision in writing.

d.       Any charges or fees contested as a part of the complaint in review by the Corporation under this policy shall be suspended until a satisfactory review and final decision has been made by the Board of Directors.


10.     Plumbing Standards.  The Corporation adopts applicable sections of the Uniform Plumbing Code as a guidance in the design, installation, and maintenance of plumbing systems and service facilities connecting or connected to the utility’s water facilities, to the extent appropriate under the applicable statutes and regulations governing public water and sewer utility systems.  Any Member may be required to retrofit plumbing systems and service facilities as determined to be necessary by the Corporation for the purposes of compliance with the Uniform Plumbing Code.  (30 TAC 290.46(i))


11.     Customer Service Inspections.  The Corporation requires that a customer service inspection certification be completed prior to providing continuous water service to new construction and for all new members as part of the activation of standard and some non-standard service.  Customer service inspections are also required on any existing service when the corporation has reason to believe that cross-connections or other potential contaminant hazards exist, or after any material improvement, correction or addition to the members’ water distribution facilities.  This inspection is limited to the identification and prevention of cross-connections, potential contaminant hazards and illegal lead materials.